Principles and practices

After braining storming with fab mates i decided to work on a food dehydrator. this ment strting by knowing the existing dehydrators in the market and there functionality. also it ment having a purpose for it asin as to why am I manucturing it.

Through this our instructor also engaged us in modes of documenting work done

Project mangement

setting up git, gitlab and building a site

this week i started with working on my project ideas and getting to know how to do the documentation of my project.

This was to know how to use git commads some of which includes cloning the repo am supposed to show my work git pulling and git push to the git repo created for us to use. It also included to build a website where all our work will be deposited. here i decided to use Html for body strcture, CSS and JS for body style and flow.

Also in this time it included designing templates for the weekly assignment and also for the final project this ment starting to learning and adjusting to programming language which am confortable with.

The most problem exprienced was in setting ssh key and being a user of windows it was very hard to get permission grom gitlab through git, and this was a frastration for a better time of this week.

the following is a vedio of the same

here is step by step of how i used git

  • The solution to this was simply putting the same folder with my public key in the same folder and making sure that i was able to push and empty folder to to my repo. the folder that am working with is my home folders.

    Through this i decided to dedicate this week to learn git and do set up of the same on my computer

    this also ment to know how to interact with the gitlab pages by setting up my account

    have a look here
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